Daniel O'Kane - Hypnotherapist

Daniel O'Kane is trained hypnotherapist. Daniel can help you break any negative habits stopping you from becoming a working performer.

Many performing artists face issues that stop them from becoming successful performing artists. Hypnosis can help you overcome the following in your life.
- Procrastination
- Stage Fright
- Audition Anxiety
- Self Sabotage
- Lack of Self Confidence
- Weight Loss
- Quitting Smoking
- Other Conditions (please inquire for more information)

Non-performers are also welcome, please inquire to find out how Daniel can help you make desired changes in your life.

2014 Introductory Prices
$80 for a 1 hour session with Daniel. This includes an initial discussion about your needs, hypnosis to align your subconscious mind to your goals and also complimentary self-hypnosis techniques that can be practiced at home. Most hypnotherapists charge $150 per session!
($50 Concession Rate available for low income health care card holders)

A more comprehensive website is currently under construction. It will be online within the next month, including more information about hypnotherapy consultations provided by Daniel. If you are currently seeking more information, please feel free to contact Daniel on 0400 305 108, by e-mail at daniel.okane01@gmail.com or by leaving a message/post on this facebook page.

Professional services